

Inspire Multi-Academy trust is fully is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all our pupils. We expect everyone associated with InMAT, all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. 

We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, effective safeguarding policies, procedures and practices are in place to support pupils, families and staff in all our schools. 

All our schools follow the guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022), Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018), the Governance Handbook. All staff and volunteers will adhere to the InMAT Safeguarding policy, Whistleblowing policy and Staff Code of Conduct.  

Our CEO is the trust Designated Safeguarding Lead. Our trust Inclusion Lead supports our schools to make sure their processes and procedures are robust and fit for purpose. Each school in our trust has a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a safeguarding governor.  We are committed to ensuring that our safeguarding leaders and all staff and volunteers receive the appropriate training to prepare them for their roles.

All our schools will work closely with families for the benefit of the pupils. Staff will make referrals and seek advice and guidance from external agencies such as Social Care if it is deemed necessary. There may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge. Our leaders will always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents and carers. 

If you have a concern about a pupil or a member of staff at The Abbey Primary School, please contact one of the above Designated Safeguarding Leaders either by phone 01604 660100 or by email:-

If your concern is about a Senior Leader at The Abbey Primary School, please contact Helen Williams,
InMAT Designated Safeguarding Leader- email:-

InMAT Designated Safeguarding Leader

InMAT Trust - Helen Williams 01604 434600 

If you have an urgent concern about a child you can contact the Police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

You can also contact the Northamptonshire Multi-agency safeguarding hub directly on 0300 126 7000 or by using the following link: MASH Team


Designated Safeguarding Leads at The Abbey Primary School


Caroline Farmer- Designated Safeguarding Lead, Headteacher and EYFS Lead

Lucy Kelsall - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Deputy Headteacher and KS1 Lead

Andrea Munns - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Family Support Worker

Ruth Benjamin - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant Headteacher

Siobhan Disha - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for After-School Club

Our Safeguarding Governor is Stuart Coe
Julie can be contacted on


At The Abbey Primary School, we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. We require all staff, visitors and volunteers to follow this commitment too.

We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow all procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

In school, the children have lots of opportunities to learn about keeping themselves safe, particularly online. We have a dedicated online safety curriculum which is taught in all year groups across school. We work in partner with parents, sharing information and advice to ensure our children are knowledgeable and actively safe online.

Safeguarding is a priority at The Abbey Primary School and we have 4 designated trained members of staff to ensure all children are safe and secure from harm. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are trained to identify children at risk of abuse, neglect or harm.


What should I do if I have concerns about a child or family?

  1. Speak with one the safeguarding leads at school. 
  2. Contact Northamptonshire multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH) on 0300 126 7000
  3. Click on the link below for further advice from Northamptonshire MASH

        Report a concern - Help and protection for children (

  1. Speak to the NSPCC:

We have a full-time Family Support Worker in school who is able to support children and their families. Our Learning Mentor also supports children with individual and small group work, helping our children to be confident, resilient and emotionally secure individuals.

Please see the links below for our policies relating to safeguarding.


Useful Links

NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC

Home - Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (

Children, families and education (

Thinkuknow - home

Net Aware: Your guide to social networks, apps and games (

Childline | Childline

Parents Against Child Exploitation (Pace) UK (

STOP CSE – NWG Network | Help Us Put A Stop to CSE (